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Once Upon A Time Daycare - logo
Located in Anacortes, WA      360-293-9235


Where A Kid Can Be A Kid
Located in Anacortes, WA
Located in Anacortes, WA
Call Us Today

A Family-Oriented In-Home Day Care

Let Me Take Care of Your Child

Once Upon A Time Daycare is a family-oriented day care, providing your newborns with a nurturing environment. With over 30 years of experience in child care services, Once Upon A Time is your best bet to ensure a wonderful childhood for your little one.
  • There are regular field trips to ensure that your child receives the right exposure. 
  • You can get a curriculum customized to your child's requirements. 
  • I work with the children on kindergarten readiness. 
  • I provide an individual schedule to each and every child.

Enroll Your Child for Full-Time or Part-Time Day Care Services

If you're a working parent who needs help to take care of your child, call today. You can enroll your child for full-time or part-time day care services. Openings are available throughout the year. Call today 360-293-9235 to schedule an interview.

Accepting newborns and children up to the age of six.
Callto learn more about our discounts on enrolling multiple children.
I have an Early Childhood Education Certificate.
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